Calls to ‘light’ dangerous Whittlesea intersection

The council last week voted to ask VicRoads to install lights at the intersection of Wallan and Plenty roads and Laurel and Macmeikan streets, saying pedestrian safety was at risk.

The decision follows the presentation of a petition, signed by 1052 people and backed by McEwen MP Rob Mitchell, to the council in February. The petition labelled the intersection a “danger to the community and visitors alike”. Mr Mitchell has described the intersection as “traffic chaos”.

According to VicRoads’ database of ‘casualty crashes’, the intersection has been the site of six such crashes involving serious injury in the past five years.

VicRoads’ guidelines indicate that locations with three or more casualty crashes in the preceding five years are classified as accident blackspots.

Residents have also signed up to Whittlesea Cry, a Facebook site set up in January.

The four-way intersection has no roundabout or traffic lights, but there are stop signs at Laurel Street and Wallan Road.

Pedestrian-operated signals 80 metres south of the intersection help people cross Plenty Road in front of Whittlesea Primary School, and there are children’s crossings on Laurel Street and Wallan Road about 30 metres away.

A report to last week’s council said there had been numerous other crashes and near misses in the past five years that had not been included in the VicRoads’ data as no one was seriously injured.

The report found that installing traffic lights would be the best way to improve safety.

Lead petitioner Kris Raymond, who says he was almost struck by a car while crossing Plenty Road near Whittlesea Primary School, said the intersection was dangerous for children.

“The Plenty Road crossing is too busy for children,” she said. “I’ve seen kids crossing the road and, instead of stopping, cars swerve towards the stockfeed yards.”

VicRoads has previously admitted that safety improvements were needed at the intersection and has said it would investigate the possibility of traffic lights or a roundabout.