Young people aged between 15 and 19 who live in Hume and Whittlesea are encouraged to take part in the annual Mission Australia Youth Survey.
The results of the Youth Survey are used by governments, informs policies and gives insights to families and individuals hoping to gain further understanding of what young people are thinking and experiencing.
Mission Australia chief executive Sharon Callister said life in a post-COVID world is rapidly changing, which means highlighting the opinions and views of young people is more important than ever.
“For more than 20 years Mission Australia’s Youth Survey has provided a critical platform for young people to communicate what is going on in their world,” she said.
“We know from last years’ results that they were heavily impacted by lockdowns and were severely affected in a range of ways including mental health, education and employment.”
Ms Callister said the survey will also further highlight the growing issue of youth homelessness across the country.
“Over one in 30 participants in Victoria told us last year they were homeless for the first time during COVID-19, which is completely unacceptable,” she said.
“Find the nearest young person and ask them if they’ve participated.
“Every participant counts and makes a difference.”
The survey will close on Wednesday, August 31.
Details: www.missionaustralia.com.au/what-we-do/research-impact-policy-advocacy/youth-survey