Calabro family grocery stall thrown a lifeline

Pepe Calabro. Picture: Shawn Smits

A family of roadside fruit and vegetable traders who were kicked off their Sunbury Road site have been thrown a lifeline.

The Calabro family’s fruit and vegetable stall on Sunbury Road in Bulla ceased operating five months ago.

But now, thanks to an unexpected offer of support from the owner of the Campbellfield market, the family has set up a new base 20 minutes’ drive up the road.

Sam Calabro had traded from the roadside Bulla site for more than 40 years before VicRoads threatened him in April with an on-the-spot fine for operating without a permit.

The patriarch has since fallen into ill health and stepped away from the business, entrusting it to his sons John and Pepe.

Pepe said VicRoads’ tough stance on the dangers of the Sunbury Road site and a newborn baby in the family meant they were forced to temporarily close the business.

That’s when he received a call from Michael Unalan, co-owner of the new Cooper Street market, with an offer for them to trade from his 3.2-hectare site.

“Michael said he would work something out for us. He gave me one of the best spots … he’s said he would support us all the way,” Pepe said.

The family has been selling fruit and vegetables from inside the market from the day it opened to the public in July.

Despite battling pneumonia, Sam made sure he was there for the family’s first day.

Pepe said business was slowly building.

“We’re even seeing a few of our old customers,” he said.

Campbellfield Market is at 27-35 Cooper Street, Campbellfield, and open from 8am-8pm on Saturdays and 8am-4pm on Sundays.