Dr Steven Hatzikostas is no ordinary obstetrician and gynaecologist. He’s a high-ranking specialist who provides patients with his personal mobile number so they can call him if the need arises – any time, day or night.
This is a clear signpost to his level of commitment to care excellence.
“Delivering babies is a focus of my life, it’s not just a job – it’s a way of life,” Dr Hatzikostas. “I love what I do – everything is wholehearted.”
An obstetrician dedicated to complete service, Dr Hatzikostas cares for every patient personally and strives to be present at every single birth. He puts himself on the spot to share the experience, attend to any complications and to offer well-grounded advice and care.
“I believe strongly in private practice care, where women aren’t shuffled between doctors or given zip-in, zip-out consultations,” he says.
“Women need to feel confident about their pregnancy and delivery care … I treat consultations as a time to carefully explain every aspect and encourage questions. It’s really personalised care of a high order.”
The doctor’s approach has been consistent throughout his many years of practice. He says it’s a part of him, who he is as a person and physician.
His credentials are impressive.
While studying for his medical degree at Melbourne University, he concurrently gained a masters degree in science and published research carried out at the Howard Florey Institute of Experimental Physiology and Medicine.
He trained in internal medicine for many years at Royal Melbourne Hospital before starting his specialist training in obstetrics and gynaecology. Following experience in England, he worked as consultant obstetrician at Royal Women’s, Northern and Box Hill hospitals for many years.
Dr Hatzikostas aims to establish a high level of communication with his patients.
“I often use simple diagrams to explain medical conditions and management,” he says. “When it’s appropriate, I provide brochures and even algorithms of treatment plans. In all cases, every patient has a comprehensive understanding of processes, with evidence-based explanations and risk/benefit analyses of alternative treatment options.”
Gynaecological care is based on proven methods, so Dr Hatzikostas will resort to surgical treatment options if conservative measures fail or are found to be inappropriate.
“My approach empowers women to be in the driver’s seat,” Dr Hatzikostas says. “Their concerns are never fobbed off or dismissed and, together, we form a partnership to achieve optimum outcomes.”
Dr Hatzikostas consults at Northpark Private Hospital, Suite 3, 135 Plenty Road, Bundoora, and Neal Street Medical Clinic, 5 Neal Street, Gisborne. Inquiries: 9467 9444 or visit www.drstevenhatzikostas.com.au