Broadmeadows jobless rate highest in Victoria

Broadmeadows’ unemployment rate is continuing to climb, with one in four adults now jobless.

Latest federal government employment figures reveal that the suburb’s unemployment rate is the highest in Victoria, with 25.2 per cent – or 1284 adults – unemployed. In June 2016, the unemployment rate was 22.4 per cent.

Neighbouring suburbs including Coolaroo (23.2 per cent) and Meadow Heights (24.3 per cent) also recorded high unemployment rates.

Hume’s overall unemployment rate has also risen since June 2016, increasing from 9 per cent to 10.3 per cent in June this year.

Victoria’s unemployment rate is 6.1 per cent.

Hume Employment and Learning Committee chairman Huon Damm said Broadmeadows had one of the highest unemployment rates in the country. He said in the past 12 months, the size of its labour force had increased, but unfortunately the number of people looking for work had also increased.

Mr Damm said the number of migrants and refugees moving to Broadmeadows were also contributing to rise in unemployment.

“Access to public transport, and in turn, jobs, is also a contributing factor,” he said.

“The changing nature of manufacturing in Hume is also making finding work challenging. The employment landscape has changed.”

In May, the state government offered the council $1 million over the next three years to help people into the workforce.

The funding is part of the Hume Community Revitalisation Program, which is aimed at bridging the gap between Broadmeadows, Meadow Heights, Coolaroo and Campbellfield, and the rest of the state.

In Whittlesea, the unemployment rate is slightly lower at 7.3 per cent, up from 6 per cent in June 2016.

Thomastown has the municipality’s highest unemployment rate (12.8 per cent), followed by 12.4 per cent.