Broadmeadows drive-by shooting probed

Police are investigating a drive-by shooting in Broadmeadows on Tuesday morning.

A spokeswoman from Victoria Police said it is believed a number of shots were fired into the front fence of a house in Katandra Crescent about 3.30am.

Underworld figure Carl Williams’ father, George Williams, lives just a few doors away.

No one was injured but police remain on the site.

Just hours earlier, a policeman was shot in the back of the head during a routine car intercept in Moonee Ponds.

The 31-year-old First Constable is at the Royal Melbourne Hospital in a serious but stable condition after suffering head injuries.

He was shot at while attempting to intercept a Ford Escape in Robinson Street.

He and another member, a 30-year-old male First Constable, had followed the Ford down a one-way street when the other driver conducted a U-turn and fired out the car window while driving back past the police car.

The Ford was later found burnt out in Hossack Avenue, Coburg North, about 4.30am.

Detective Senior Sergeant Ron Iddles spoke to the unharmed officer on Tuesday morning.

He said that despite escaping physical injuries, the officer had been badly shaken by the ordeal and may require ongoing support.

“These two members are lucky to be alive. This could have been a double fatality,” he said.

“The member who was shot, we’re only talking about two centimetres and it could have been a different result.”

The usually quiet residential street was cordoned off on Tuesday morning while SES crews and investigators processed and cleared the scene.

Police are on the hunt for the shooter.

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