BMX track upgrade


A $100,000 upgrade to the BMX track at the Sycamore Recreation Reserve has paved the way for the club to hold state or even nationally significant competitions in the future.

Whittlesea council and Northern BMX Club worked together to bring plans to asphalt the track’s finish line and marshalling area to fruition.

Council contributed $90,000 from its Community Fund in response to community feedback during last year’s budget consultation and the club chipped in $10,000, with the improvements unveiled at a race meet in November 2022.

Northern BMX Club president Gail Dack said the new finish line and marshalling area had been well received. She said the improvements represented a significant safety upgrade that was appreciated by local and visiting riders alike.

“Previously the riders would cross the finish line and there would just be loose rocks and they would be slipping and sliding,” she said. “But now so many people are commenting about how much better it is.”

The upgrade is the latest in a series of improvements to the facility in recent years, including a major track redevelopment that opened in 2019, as well as a new pavilion and new lighting.