Blasting into cricket

Dallas Brooks Community School teacher Wayne Schultz has pioneered a Breakfast Blast cricket program at the school. (Damjan Janevski) 303339_01

Pupils at Dalla Brooks Community School are having a blast at a new before school cricket program.

The Breakfast Blast program is designed to help pupils burn off their energy and get ready to learn before stepping into the classroom at 9am.

Participants are served breakfast at school before heading to the playground to brush up on their cricket skills and enjoy a quick game.

Physical education teacher and Cricket Australia ambassador Wayne Schultz pioneered the program, which he said aims to get pupils moving in the morning and foster a love of cricket.

“This is the first step for everyone to get involved in community cricket,” he said.

“We would love to see the students joining a club.”

The school also recently hosted a visit from the Australian cricket team and hosted a Woolworths Cricket Blast school challenge during which 16 teams competed.

“There is a lot of interest [in cricket] …. it is really great to see,” Mr Schultz said.