Berry Street appeals for gifts for foster kids

A not-for-profit organisation has put out a call for donations to ensure children in foster care receive a gift on Christmas Day.

Berry Street, Victoria’s largest independent child and family services organisation, is collecting donations and gifts for those children in Melbourne’s outer north who would otherwise go without this Christmas.

Jenny McNaughton (pictured), Berry Street’s regional director for the northern area, said there are presently 80 foster children and about 30 teenagers in supported care, many of whom have suffered family violence and trauma, and cannot live at home.

She said Berry Street is trying to manage “unprecedented demand” for its services this year.

“We had 9000 referrals last year in the northern region, which is a huge spike in demand compared to previous years.”

Ms McNaughton said children have written such modest Christmas wishlists it would be heart-warming to see them fulfilled.

“The young people’s wishes are really modest, like a hair brush; they’re really sweet requests.”

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