Auto salvage company fined by EPA

Hannah Hammoud

An auto salvage company in Campbellfield has been fined $5548 by the Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA) for failure to comply with a notice.

Arara Motors of Fordson Road, Campbellfield, operates a car wrecking and spare parts business.

The EPA said it did not have appropriate controls in place to manage the fire risk at the premises leading to the overstocking of end-of-life vehicles which not only increases the risk of fire, but prevents fire fighters from being able to suitably respond if one did occur.

EPA northern metropolitan regional manager Jeremy Settle said Arara was given a notice to produce a stock management plan and improve its management of the stocked spare auto parts to reduce fire risks.

“Failure to do so sees them $5548 worse off and they still have to produce that management plan,” Mr Settle said.

“Every Victorian has a role to play in reducing the risks to our communities and environment from pollution and waste.

“EPA has been especially clear with the auto salvage industry; there is a fire risk that must be addressed. Failure to do so could harm the environment and the health of the community and will incur penalties.”

In 2020, the company was hit with a fine of more than $16,000 from the EPA over industrial waste and a lack of measures to prevent leakage into the environment.

Mr Settle said his officers would be checking in on the company, and continuing their zero tolerance approach to unmanaged fire risks.

Members of the public can report pollution through the EPA’s 24 hour hotline on 1300 EPA VIC (1300 372 842), or