Asbestos hits Hume

Hume council building. (Damjan Janevski) 228421_03

Hume is the latest municipality to be hit with a case of asbestos in a local park.

The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has confirmed that a sample collected from Seabrook Reserve, Broadmeadows, on Friday, April 19, is positive for asbestos-containing material.

The small amount of material was in garden bed mulch near the Seabrook Reserve car park.

Council immediately directed qualified contractors, who had already been engaged prior to the finding, to attend Seabrook Reserve on Monday, April 22, to begin a thorough investigation of the site.

Hume council issued a response on its website, outlining the investigations of the reserve were still ongoing.

“Multiple samples were collected from across Seabrook Reserve by the contractor to take for further testing. The results of these samples will be known within the next 24 hours and any further steps that are required will be made after these results,” the statement said.

“Council has paused the use of recycled mulch prior to the announcement as a precautionary measure.

“The qualified contractor has begun mulch testing at Hume’s playgrounds and adjacent garden beds out of an abundance of caution, along with any site where recycled mulch has been used.

“We are working closely with the EPA as they conduct further assessments and investigations.”