Appeal to help make it a Good Friday

Ray Richards, Stacey Ramadge, Paul Etherington and Zahida Rafaat. (Joe Mastroianni)

The Good Friday Appeal means a lot to the Tullamarine-based Uncle Bobs Club.

The club has been raising money for the appeal for the past 70 years, helping to make a difference to the lives of children being treated at The Royal Children’s Hospital.

President Paul Etherington said the club, which was set up to raise money for children with medical needs, has branches across Victoria. Over the years they have raised millions for the Good Friday Appeal and are hopeful their efforts this year will bring them to a $20 million target.

Mr Etherington said members jumped at the chance to raise money for the appeal.

“Everyone knows someone who has a child in the hospital. People want to give back to the hospital for the great work it does,” he said.

UBC members will be out in force on Good Friday, collecting money along Melrose Drive and Sharps Road. The organisation will also have donation tins in 7-Eleven stores across Melbourne.

Anyone interested in helping out on the day, should contact 9335 6300.