Anzac spirit lives on at home


By Laura Michell

Hume and Whittlesea residents are being encouraged to get behind a campaign to mark Anzac Day from their homes.

RSL Australia is urging people to ‘light up the dawn’ and pay their respects by standing in their living rooms, at the end of their driveways, or on their porches or balconies at 6am on Saturday.

People are being asked to take photos and share them on social media under various hash tags including #ANZACspirit, #lightupthedawn and #standto.

Craigieburn War Memorial and Remembrance Committee (CWMRC) president Kevin O’Callaghan said that while there would be no public Anzac Day services, people could still mark the day.

“The key message is for people to take an opportunity on the 25th to remember family and friends in their own house, own yard or own driveway and it will still have as much meaning as any community service,” he said.

“Standing at the end of your driveway at 6am is a great idea. Nearly all of our members are going to do that and we think it will spread in Craigieburn.

“If you have family who have served, talk to your kids and grandkids about that, it will have more meaning than standing in a park.”

Mr O’Callaghan said the CWMRC was considering having two members raise the flags at the Craigieburn war memorial at Anzac Park and lay a single wreath just before 6am, subject to police approval.

Meanwhile, Epping RSL is urging veterans in need of assistance to reach out and ask for help.

The RSL recently dropped off Easter food packages to local veterans.

“Remember to please check on your elderly friends or relatives, and those you know that may not be coping too well at this time and make sure they are OK,” a post on the RSL’s Facebook page said.