All Seasons at Thomastown Neighbourhood House

Shelley and All Seasons coordinator Caz Dunell. (Damjan Janevsk)

By Holly McGuinness

Attendees at the All Seasons program, run by Thomastown Neighbourhood House (TTNH) got their hands dirty in the centre’s community garden on Tuesday, October 4.

Participants made, grew, planted and created, all while building a connection with nature and each other.

TTNH manager Liz Skitch said it’s a wonderful weekly program that’s always looking for new members.

A lot of the program’s current participants come from Aurora social links, a day service for people living with disability.

“It’s a beautiful coming together of the neighbourhood house with our friends at social links, but it’s also open to other members of the community,” Ms Skitch said.

Staff from TTNH are busy planning their next Promisetown Picnic on November 12.

The picnic is a free community event featuring markets, art activities for kids,food trucks, face painting, dance performances, street theatre and more.

Ms Skitch said it’s a beautiful community event that’s been much loved by the community in the past.

Whittlesea council granted TTNH with $15,000 for two Promisetown Picnics.