A team of cyclists from Epping’s Al Siraat College will put their fitness to the test to raise money to help children with cancer.
A team of six staff members and one student will take part in the Great Cycle Challenge, meaning they will ride their bikes throughout October.
Organiser Tanya Kubitza and her daughter, Mariam, 9, aim to ride 500 kilometres over the month, while the others hope to cover at least 100 kilometres.
The team hopes to raise $3500 for the Children’s Medical Research Institute.
Ms Kubitza, who has been taking part in the Great Cycle Challenge since 2013, said she wanted to do all she could to help sick children.
“Having a sick family member is hard enough, but if you have a kid fighting for life, it’s horrible,” she said. “If kids can struggle through cancer, I can do this challenge.”
Ms Kubitza also hopes to inspire other women to ride bikes.
“I hope I can be a role model for other women who cover up. I want them to know that anyone can ride,” she said.
Details: greatcyclechallenge.com.au/Teams/TeamAlSiraat