Airport concerns over Tullamarine apartments


Harper Sercombe

Hume council has adopted plans for the development of 98 serviced apartments despite airport concerns.

Following a meeting on Monday, July 24, council showed its intent to grant a permit for the development which will be located at 4-6 Trade Park Drive, Tullamarine.

However, the proposed 15-storey building has raised eyebrows from Essendon Fields Airport as it says it impedes on its Obstacle Limitation Surface (OLS).

An OLS is the height at which an airport must be protected from obstacles.

Essendon Fields planning manager Brad Evans said the building would intrude 32.8 metres into the airport’s OLS.

“This application before council poses an unacceptable risk to our operations both immediately for emergency services … and most importantly into the future,” he said.

“[It’s] a poor response to the [Hume] planning scheme and the planning laws that you have to work with.

“Should council determine to grant a permit we would have no decision to be left [with] than to pursue an appeal before the tribunal.”

Although aviation veteran and former manager of airport infrastructure and standards at Essendon airport Dave Race said the building poses no risk to the airport’s operations.

“Where the serviced apartments have been proposed is in a dead corner of Essendon airport’s air space,” Mr Race said.

“It will never interfere with instrument approach or emergency services aircraft operating in and out of Essendon airport.”

Mr Race said the hotel that neighbours the proposed site also impedes the airport’s OLS and poses no threats.

The development is said to contribute around 40 jobs including a host of local jobs in administration, housekeeping, concierge and management.

A reduction in the current 857 space car park will take place to allow for the apartments, however, each apartment will have a guaranteed car space.