A vision for Epping Central


Epping Central will be home to more jobs and more diverse housing under a draft structure plan proposed by Whittlesea council.

The draft Epping Central Structure Plan outlines council’s vision for the ongoing development of the precinct, which is Whittlesea’s largest metropolitan activity centre.

Council chair administrator Lydia Wilson said Epping Central (which is designated as a metropolitan activity centre in Plan Melbourne 2017-2050), is the largest will continue to be an important hub for employment, housing, retail, education and health-related services.

“The aim is to increase local employment, provide more diverse housing and create a more vibrant and attractive area for people to live, work, visit or do business,” she said.

The new plan builds on the work of the previous structure plan for a high-density mixed-use precinct and delivers a unique and modern vision for Epping through the key themes of urban living, movement and transport, employment and investment, community facilities and services, and public and natural environment.

The community can provide feedback on initiatives such as proposed improvements to pedestrian links which connect key destinations including Epping station, Pacific Epping Shopping Centre and Northern Hospital, and opportunities for new parks and urban squares which have been identified in the draft plan.

The boundary of the structure plan has been revised to incorporate the New Epping site on Cooper Street which is currently under development and will comprise significant new housing and employment opportunities.

“One of council’s most important responsibilities is to ensure our communities are planned in a way that fits with how people want to live their lives and enjoy their local areas now and into the future,” Ms Wilson said.

“We’ve had significant community input over a number of years to inform the development of this plan and now we really want to check back in with the broader community one last time before it is finalised to make sure we’ve captured a vision for Epping that resonates with them.”

Have your say until December 4 via: engage.whittlesea/eppingcentral