A treasured keepsake

Author James Sismanes is releasing his debut children's book. (Damjan Janevski.) 429981_03

A desire to create a special keepsake for his son led Wollert’s James Sismanes to pen a children’s book.

Sismanes’ debut book, The Marvellous Mullabaloos Only Wear Blue, tells the story of a family who loves the colour blue and is a celebration of what makes everyone unique.

“It’s about an ordinary family except for the fact that they of course wear blue clothes, have blue hair, drive a blue car and eat blue food,” he said.

“The story follows the two children of the family who are on a bit of a journey of self exploration. And coming to terms with the fact that they are compelled to wear blue and to do all these things under the colour blue.

“It’s their journey of identity and understanding what it means to be unique and to be different and to embrace those differences and accept who we are and who we are born to be and galvanize that as best as we can.”

Sismanes, who has had the idea for the book for quite some time, was finally inspired to put pen to paper after his son Dante was born.

“I knew I always wanted to do this. I have always been a fan of children’s media for a very long time and I could still put on a children’s cartoon today and still be perfectly happy,” he said.

“Ultimately, the catalyst was the birth of my son who is now three … I really wanted to do something for him and something that he could cherish and be proud of and something that he could have with him throughout all of his days.”

The Marvellous Mullabaloos Only Wear Blue will be released on November 2.