David Turnbull will curl up in his sleeping bag in between rows of seats at Etihad Stadium, hoping for some shut-eye next Thursday night.
Just four days shy of the winter solstice, the Whittlesea council chief executive will be taking part in the 2015 Vinnies CEO Sleepout to get a glimpse of what life is like without a roof over your head.
He’ll be given some cardboard boxes to cushion his sleeping bag from the cold, concrete floor and will get a ration from the soup kitchen before ‘lights out’.
This will be his third time sleeping rough for the cause of homelessness, and he’s adamant
no one needs to feel sorry for him.
“I’m in it to raise awareness of homelessness in the city of Whittlesea,” he stressed. “Our short-term housing stock is in chronic short supply.”
He said the last time he slept under the stars he had only about four hours’ sleep.
“You go to bed pretty hungry, but for one night it’s not a big deal.” He described the experience as uplifting and spoke of the strong sense of camaraderie among participants.
Vinnies organises speakers to talk about the causes of homelessness and what life is like on the streets.
Last year, 120 business leaders took part in the Victorian challenge and raised more than $450,000. To celebrate its 10th anniversary, the charity is hoping to raise $10 million nationally.
To register, nominate or sponsor a CEO or, for more information, visit www.ceosleepout.org.au. For details on organising a school or community sleepout, go to vinniessleepout.gofundraise.com.au