Broadmeadows, Roxburgh Park, Sunbury West clean-up a tidy effort

Unkempt nature strips and illegal rubbish dumping are being targeted in a council-led campaign to tidy up Hume.

The council will host a free barbecue on Saturday, May 2, in Broadmeadows to find out from residents what parts of their suburb they want fixed or tidied.

The Broadmeadows cleaning blitz between May 11 and 15 will be the first of three across the municipality.

Other maintenance and tidying-up sessions will be in Sunbury West and Roxburgh Park.

Council staff will repair or replace damaged council infrastructure and do a general “tidy- up” in an area bounded by Camp Road, Widford Street, the railway line, the Western Ring Road and Electric, Graham and Gibson streets.

Hume mayor Adem Atmaca is keen to get the community involved.

“Anyone can lend a helping hand,” he said. “You could mow your nature strip on a regular basis, remove litter or report to the council street trees that need pruning, damage to footpaths or illegal rubbish dumping,” he said.

“There’s also an opportunity to build local neighbourhood spirit. You might offer to mow your neighbours’ nature strips or bring in your neighbours’ bins when they are away or just simply stop by and check how they’re doing. It might seem like a small gesture, but you will find it’s much appreciated.”

The free barbecue will be on May 2 from noon-2pm at Anderson Reserve.