Hume council backflip over Broadmeadows Historical Society rent

In a coup for the Broadmeadows Historical Society, Hume council has backtracked on raising the museum’s rent by almost 93 per cent.

Earlier this year, the council informed society president Alan Whatman that a proposed new licensing agreement would increase annual rent from $55 to $750.

Mr Whatman said the society was gobsmacked and there was no way it could afford that sort of rent considering the Pearcedale Parade museum relied solely on donations and council grants to fund its operational costs.

“I have no idea why they wanted to increase it by that much. We rely on donations at the door.”

Mr Whatman approached federal Calwell MP Maria Vamvakinou, who wrote to the council last month to inquire about the reasoning behind its decision to significantly increase the annual rent.

“This is a substantial and unsustainable increase,” she wrote.

“The society receives an annual grant from council of $900 and with $750 of this paying rent, the society will be unable to continue to function.”

She said it would be a shame to lose such an important community organisation.

Mr Whatman said that following Ms Vamvakinou’s letter, the council contacted the society and said the rent was “negotiable”.

“They renegotiated with us and we brought them down from $750 to $75.”

He said the society relied on about 18 volunteers who manned the museum four days each week.

Hume mayor Adem Atmaca said the council had an obligation to be fair to all community groups.

“We have to be consistent. We can’t expect some to pay more than others,” he said.

He said the rent was previously agreed to on an ad hoc basis and the new agreement would give the society and council more security.

“The increase is very modest and I think we were just trying to be fair and consistent with everyone.”