Broadmeadows: Hume Central Secondary College sets uni record

A record number of students from a Broadmeadows high school are going to uni.

More than half the Hume Central Secondary College’s class of 2014 were accepted into their preferred university courses.

Fifty-four per cent were offered first-round places and 97 per cent were offered post-secondary education at a TAFE or other vocational college.

Five students received ATAR scores over 90 and one topped the state with a perfect score of 50 in VCE information technology.

Principal Glenn Proctor said the students’ results were the strongest in the government college’s six-year history.

He said this year’s university offers were triple the number received when he started at the school in 2008.

“It’s a testament to the hard work of all our students and teachers and their strong belief in their ability to pursue their dreams,” he said.

“Many of these students will be the first in their families to receive a tertiary education.”

Assistant principal Lisa Robinson said a partnership with Scotch College in Hawthorn helped the students prepare for their end-of- year exams.

Hume Central liaised with Scotch teachers and took the 20 top-performing students to Hawthorn for maths, English and psychology.

Nathan Baddawi, who was offered a place to study biomedicine at the University of Melbourne, said his ATAR score had opened up a world of opportunity.

“Nothing can hold me back now in achieving a career and a future I’ve dreamed of,” he said.

Another student, Kim Vo, was accepted into commerce at Melbourne Uni, which has one of the highest ATAR requirements in Victoria.