State election: The Basics rock Melbourne’s north | Video

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Labor’s Dan Andrews has a bus with his face on it and the Premier Denis Napthine has the lovable yet daggy uncle image, but The Basics Rock N Roll Party has, well, rock’n’roll.

In scenes, reminiscent of ACDC’s Long Way To The Top music video, the party, featuring ARIA award winning singer Wally De Backer, aka Gotye, Kris Schroeder and Tim Heath, hopped into the back of a truck and toured Melbourne’s inner north on Sunday.

The Basics played Dallas, Coburg, Preston and Northcote from the back of a truck emblazoned with the Sex Party and The Basics Rock N Roll party logos.

Did you spot the band in your neighbourhood? Send us your photos here.

The party has struck a preference deal with the Sex Party, which is battling with Family First for a seat in the Upper House in the Northern Metropolitan region.

At a free event outside Pentridge Prison in Coburg the band played three songs including its latest release, The Lucky Country, which features heavy political undertones.

“Someone called this a lucky country where our leadership is second-rate,” the lyrics say.

“So the world outside’s got bigger problems, we expect it all on a silver spoon on a nickel plate, in an iron cup, on a tax free bed of gold.”

The party toured Dallas Shopping Centre, Pentridge Prison, Preston Market and Northcote Plaza.

The Basics Rock N Roll Party supports improving indigenous education and support, scrutiny over alcohol advertising at major events and “instituting real change towards transparency in government”.

The Sex Party wants to protect and support the live music industry, have 24-hour weekend public transport, legalise voluntary euthanasia and legalise medical marijuana.

It also wants to see recreational marijuana regulated and taxed.