Craigieburn: Siyoda Jayawardene makes the write start

For musically inclined Siyoda Jayawardene, the rhythmic nature of poetry made sense.

So when she started writing her first poem, she made up her mind to pen an entire book.

The Sri Lankan-born Wilmott Park Primary School pupil at Craigieburn was just eight. But she’s a bright spark and was determined not to let her age restrict her potential.

“I thought anyone can publish a book no matter what age you are,” she said.

She began collecting poems written in grades 2, 3 and 4 until she had 25 poems she was proud of.

Siyoda said she persuaded her “amazing” art teacher Roger Grose to create the illustrations, and she sent the work off to be published as From My Heart: A Collection of Poems.

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