Gough Whitlam: Rob Mitchell pays tribute to a great leader

Gough Whitlam will be remembered as a great leader who changed the way Australians thought, according to McEwen Labor MP Rob Mitchell. 

Mr Mitchell said the former prime minister, who died on Tuesday aged 98, gave people a reason to dream and reach their full potential. 

‘‘The first time I met him I clearly remember the increase of my heart rate, sweaty palms and the onslaught of perspiration on my forehead,’’ Mr Mitchell said. 

‘‘I was so nervous … I was about to meet the man who helped Australia come of age and stand proudly as a mature nation.’’

Mr Mitchell said he could remember huddling around an old HMV TV with other Dallas Primary School students on November 11, 1975 – the day Mr Whitlam was dismissed as prime minister by then governor-general John Kerr.

‘‘Our teachers told us it was a sad and historic day. And it was.

‘‘No matter where you look on the political landscape, Gough made a difference to the lives of all Australians.’’