Whittlesea: Multi-faith prayers for city’s fire fleet

The Sicilians have long called on divine providence to protect their fishing crews from the wrath of the Mediterranean Sea.

In the City of Whittlesea, a similar service calling for protection and safe passage of emergency service staff during the fire season has been repeated over almost 20 years.

The 18th annual Blessing of the Fleet was held in the car park of the Plenty Ranges Arts and Convention Centre on October 4.

Father Ray Hartley, of St John’s Anglican Church in Epping, led the multi-faith service, blessing emergency services crews, their vehicles and equipment.

Mayor Mary Lalios said the annual blessing was an important tradition that acknowledged the “indispensable role” played by emergency services volunteers and professionals.

“Our emergency services personnel keep our people, homes and businesses safe each fire season and this service is a great way to wish everyone the best for the season,” Cr Lalios said.

Personnel from the Metropolitan Fire Brigade, Victoria Police, State Emergency Service, Country Fire Authority, Ambulance Victoria, Department of Environment and Primary Industries and Parks Victoria took part this year.

The fire season has yet to be officially declared, but the council’s local laws officers have started inspecting rural properties to check compliance with fire safety regulations.

Residents must keep all grass, weeds and scrub below 30cm in height.

Urban inspections will start next month.

“It is vital that every member of our community is well prepared for what the warmer months may bring,” Cr Lalios said.