Roxburgh Park brawl: 12 arrested, police patrol on Mackellar Drive

UPDATE: Police have arrested 12 people following a violent family brawl in Roxburgh Park in the early hours of Thursday morning.

Police and Ambulance Victoria received numerous calls from worried neighbours, who reported a bloody scuffle about 1am.

According to Police, two cars pulled up in front of a house in Mackellar Drive. The occupants of the house who came out into the street were immediately met with violence.

Police spokeswoman Leonie Jonhson said the men and women involved in the brawl were between 17 and 64 years of age.

Ambulance Victoria received a call just before 1am.

AV spokeswoman Grace Keyworth said six people were later removed from the scene via ambulance.

Two men were taken to the Royal Melbourne Hospital, one with serious head injures and the other with head and chest injuries. 

One female in her late teens was taken to the Austin Hospital with abdomen injuries. One man in his 30s was taken to The Alfred with head injuries and two men were taken to the Northern Hospital with head and chest injuries.

Police said 12 people were arrested and a number of people remain under police guard in hospital. 

Hume CIU is investigating the incident.

Craigieburn uniformed police officers are currently patrolling the streets and conducting public reassurance programs. 

Craigieburn Senior Sergeant Phil Nash said: “It seems to be a cultural issue between two parties.”