Whittlesea Football Club, fire brigade targeted in tagging spree

Vandals have defaced the Whittlesea Football Club and the Whittlesea Fire Brigade buildings in a tagging spree earlier this week. 

Police are looking for those responsible for thousands of dollars worth of damage to the buildings, which were sprayed with tags and profanities on Monday night or in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

According to Sergeant Daryl Kennedy, a number of buildings that back onto public land were also targeted in Mernda and Doreen.

Whittlesea Football Club’s junior president Mick Heyfrom arrived at the Whittlesea Showgrounds on Tuesday morning to find the club’s visitor changing room covered in graffiti.

He said the rooms were built by club members and their families and completed just six months ago.

“It’s just really disappointing, especially with the show coming up,” he said.

Whittlesea Fire Brigade captain Ken Williamson said the rear of the fire station had been covered in tags and expletives. 

“The station seems to be a thoroughfare to the McDonald’s and some people may have decided to do it on their way home,” he said. “It’s very dirty, it makes the town look awful.”

CFA operations officer David Harris said vandalism diverts funds that would otherwise be used for things like new equipment for the station which had a volunteer brigade.

“It can be a bit demoralising for our members who take great care in looking after the fire station.”

Both matters have been reported to Victoria Police and investigations are under way.

The incidents follow an arson attack at Foodworks in Church Street, Whittlesea, on September 12. An industrial-sized recycling bin was torched, causing about $10,000 worth of damage.

Foodworks manager Greg Vistarini said the whole building was nearly set alight. “We’re very lucky the roof didn’t catch fire, the roller door is scorched. We’re very lucky.”

Whittlesea Cricket Club was also targeted that night. The clubrooms were covered with graffiti, and equipment was also stolen from Whittlesea Auskick.

A man believed to be a local has been identified as the culprit. 

Information to crime stoppers on 1800 333 000 or go to www.crimestoppersvic.com.au

For more details, see next Tuesday’s edition of the Northern Star Weekly.