Sunbury secession: MP to answer questions at public meetings

Woodend-based MP Amanda Millar will answer questions from the public face-to-face on Sunbury’s secession from Hume.

She will hold a series of public forums and listening posts over the next two weeks, although forums at Craigieburn and Broadmeadows will be after April 11, the closing date for written submissions on the secession.

The listening posts will be held at Diggers Rest general store from 4-5pm on April 4, at Sunbury Square shopping centre from 9am-noon on April 5, at Tullamarine Neighbourhood House from 10-11am on April 8, and at Sunbury community health centre from 1-3pm on April 9.

A spokeswoman for Mrs Millar told the Weekly: “A listening post is when Amanda goes out into the community – usually setting herself up in a shopping mall or some other popular spot – and members of the public talk to her about whatever issues they have.

“In this case, it will be about the Sunbury-out-of-Hume issue.”

It was not made clear whether the community representatives appointed to Mrs Millar’s committee planning the secession would join her at the listening posts.

There will be two public forums in Sunbury prior to the submission deadline: at Sunbury Memorial Hall from 2-4pm on April 8 and Sunbury Football Club from 7-9pm on April 9.

Three further events are scheduled after the deadline – a listening post at Sunbury on April 12 (9am-noon), and public forums at Craigieburn Global Learning Centre on April 14 (10am-noon) and on the same day at Broadmeadows Global Learning Centre from 2-4pm.

Submissions can be posted to the panel secretariat, Local Government (Sunbury out of Hume) panel, GPO Box 2392, Melbourne, Victoria, 3001, or emailed to

For information on the process, go to