Get smart … Whittlesea is, and now it’s official

Whittlesea was last week named a ‘Smart 21 Community’ by a New York-based community governance group, Intelligent Communities Forum.

Whittlesea joins 20 other cities around the world in contending for the prestigious title of Intelligent Community of the Year.

Being named as a Smart Community has meant putting innovative ideas and new broadband resources into improving local economic and social conditions.

Earlier this year, Whittlesea council set up a digital hub at Mill Park library to improve people’s online and digital literacy. Hub staff researched how broadband can improve library services. Businesses have also been swept into the program, with participants trained in i-Cloud computing, cyber safety and digital photography, among other new skills.

Last week, the council launched its ‘Technology Makerspace’ at the library, a first for Melbourne’s north and for a public library.

The space will bring people face-to-face with innovations and state-of-the-art technology, including a 3D printer, Arduino boards – an affordable, accessible and reliable platform for robotics in education – and Makey Makey kits for electronics projects.

As well, there are computers and iPads for video-making and editing, and stop-motion animation.