Circus Oz comes comes to Whittlesea

It looks so easy … just ask Meadow Glen Primary School pupils.

Circus Oz trainer Geoff Dunstan showed Crystal, Sarah and Rubino (pictured) how to juggle, tumble and balance at a workshop at Plenty Ranges Arts and Convention Centre last week.

Dunstan is in town for two Circus Oz performances at Whittlesea, part of a regional tour of the troupe’s latest show, But Wait … There’s More.

Two performances will be held at South Morang on August 26 at 11am and 6pm. Workshops are offered to primary schools along the tour route. Circus Oz programming director Matt Hughes says pupils experience circus arts from juggling to acro-balance and tumbling.

“We believe everyone should have the opportunity to experience the joy of circus,” he said.

Tickets: or call 9217 2317