For Chester Vega, drawing has become the most effective way of dealing with his emotions.
Whenever he feels a strong sense of sadness or rage, he sits down and depicts what he is feeling.
Over time, he has put together a series of works, which is set to be displayed at Craigieburn’s Gee Lee-Wik Doleen Gallery later this month.
Vega said each piece in his Drawn and Quartered exhibition considered the language of the body, and explored some of the darker emotions that we all experience.
He says he hopes the exhibition will resonate with anyone who has endured challenges in their life.
Each piece has been left untitled so as not to influence the way people view the drawings.
Vega, who lives in Craigieburn, feels anxious about displaying his work locally.
He says that it has been a long time since he put his work on public display.
“I did a few exhibitions after uni, and then took a break for about 20 years,” he says.
“Recently I decided to pick up again.
“I’m terrified to have my work shown in my suburb.
“Friends will have a first-hand look at what I have been spending my time on.
“It’s scary knowing that people you know will be viewing your work.”
Drawn and Quartered will be on display at the gallery at the Hume Global Learning Centre, 75-95 Central Park Avenue, Craigieburn, from July 21- October 30.
Details: www.hume.vic.gov.au
Laura Michell