Wurundjeri culture celebrated at the Seven Sisters Park

The new park is a place to learn about the dreamtime story about the Seven Sisters.

Lendlease’s Aurora community has now opened its Seven Sisters Park which encourages the Wollert community to learn about First Nations culture.

Following years of extensive consultation with the Wurundjeri community, the new park has been transformed into a place for local families to gather and learn about the First Nations Wurundjeri dreamtime story about the Seven Sisters.

The park is inspired by an interpretation of the Karatgurk Seven Sisters story who possessed the secret of fire and carried a live coal on their digging stick and were chased by the Crow who was after their digging stick.

Visitors to the new park can learn about the story which is woven into elements of the park such as the plaza shelter that celebrates the sisters; the look-out over the park area that tells the story through light and shadow; and the striking entry statement that features the Pleiades Constellation inspired by the dreamtime story.

The new park features a playground with slide and climbing wall, swing hammocks and baskets for kids to enjoy, seated areas, and natural play elements to encourage children to connect to nature.

More than 11,500 native plants and trees have also been planted within the park, including 54 species (such as Acacia and Eucalyptus) and 11 non-native species (such as Ginkgo and Acer), providing shelter and shade for visitors.

The park will soon feature further educational resources on First Nations culture and further details the dreamtime story including an interpretative signage trail, educational videos in the sales centre and events.

Anne Jolic, Head of Communities Victoria at Lendlease said “Our communities are designed to encourage families to gather and enjoy time together, particularly outdoors. This has come from years of observation of our diverse local community which has shown us that they love places where they can gather, stay and learn about our community“.

“Our new Seven Sisters Park is one of the many elements incorporated into our Aurora community that ensures that the land on which the community is built respects and reflects First Nations culture.”

Seven Sisters Park at Aurora is located at Garrong Avenue, just off Craigieburn Road East near the Aurora Sales and Information Centre. The park adjoins the newly opened over 40 home display village making it both fun for the kids as well as an experience for the parents.