Developing new skills at Yooralla’s learning hub

Tara has been learning new skills and making friends at the Northern Learning Hub.

The name of the lady is Tara and a proposed caption is: Tara has been learning new skills and making friends at the Northern Learning Hub.

With a focus on learning and development for adults with disability, Yooralla’s Northern Learning Hub is the perfect place for young school leavers as they consider their next steps after finishing secondary school.

Tara is one of the first to attend the hub and has been developing her life skills, including her money skills. 

“I’m pretty good with money but I still need to practice [with] money, budgeting etc.,” Tara said, who is working towards her goal of employment.

“Working at a market handing change to people, that’s what I want to do…I still need to learn more [money skills] because there’s a lot more to learn about it.”

The weekly hub program includes two days at Yooralla’s digital learning space in Fawkner, two days at Hume Council’s Broadmeadows Community Hub, and a full day of various activities across Melbourne. 

Programs are matched to individual goals, needs, interests and strengths, and can be a stepping-stone for TAFE, volunteering and open employment.

Interested? ‘Come and Try’ the community hubs for free! Meet staff and clients and take part in a free activity.

You can book a ‘Come and Try’ session or join the Northern Learning Hub by calling 1800 966 725.