At 94 Marjorie is radiant in every way

Marjorie Drew and her daughter Ann.

“I always try to look my best,” says Marjorie Drew firmly.

“I plan on living to at least 103, and I have absolutely no intention of stopping colouring my hair or my eyebrows! I always say there’s absolutely no excuse to let yourself go.”

Meet 94-year-old Marjorie who is determined to present the best face she can to the world – including a bit of lippy, a splash of her favourite perfume, painted nails and lovely clothes.

“Youthful clothes! I don’t want to be seen in old lady’s clothes, thank you very much!” she laughs.

The great-grandmother lives in a unit with its own little garden. Her daughter Ann, who lives nearby, visits her as often as possible.

Majorie is legally blind.

“I can’t see my face in the mirror, of course, but the thing is, I don’t feel old, I certainly don’t think I’m old.”

Marjorie loves working with pot plants in the garden.

“You can feel and smell the fragrance of the blossoms.”

She also enjoys listening to the radio and to her favourite TV program Days Of Our Lives which she never misses.

Home is her happy place.

“I’ve been in my unit for so long, I know exactly where all the furniture is, and where everything is stored,” she explains.

“I have no intention of living anywhere else.”

She doesn’t have to, thanks to the services she receives from her government-funded home care package through Uniting AgeWell.

Marjorie receives help around the home and the garden as well as podiatry services. She is escorted on outings, visits to the public swimming pool where she works out, shopping tripsand visits to the beauty parlour, of course!

Marjorie uses her home care package to buy a number of useful aides to enable her to live independently at home.

Uniting AgeWell care advsior Robyn Braszell assists Marjorie to source what she needs. These include Vision Australia’s talking microwave and hot plate, an Or Cam Read that reads newspapers out loud, a talking book, a pedal exerciser and a comfy electric recliner chair.

“Anything I need, I just ask Robyn. She’s absolutely wonderful,” says Marjorie.

She also enjoys the company of the home care workers and loves chatting and laughing with them.

“Everyone at Uniting AgeWell is great,” Marjorie says. “I can’t fault them on anything.”

If you would like information on home care services, call 1300 783 435 or visit our website