Spot that bird
Did you know that South Morang is home to more than 80 bird species? Join the City of Whittlesea’s bushland team and a guide from Birds Australia for a guided tour to spot the birds living in the local area and learn how to attract them to your backyard. It’s on Sunday, October 9, 8.30-11am, with the group leaving from Granite Hills Park, corner Topaz Grove and Skyline Drive, South Morang. Bookings essential.
■ 0428 786 846
Create a miniature garden
Learn how to use recycled hard cover books, succulent cuttings and simple techniques to create a miniature garden during a workshop at Whittlesea Community Garden, Laurel Street, Whittlesea, on Saturday, October 8, 10am-noon. All equipment and materials provided, but participants are welcome to bring their own books.
■ 0407 699 775
Meet the mural, learn its story
Learn about the Lalor Conversations mural that takes pride of place in the Peter Lalor Walkway between May Road and Station Street. Unveiled in 2015 as part of a community crime prevention program, Lalor Conversations features four ceramic tiled panels depicting the development of the suburb. Join designer Bern Emmerichs and Whittlesea council staff to discuss the scenes and stories depicted in the mural on Thursday, October 13, at Lalor library, 2A May Road, 1-3pm. Bookings essential.
■ 9217 2174
Soccer at twilight
Do you work in Hume? Then grab your workmates and form a team to take part in Hume council’s twilight soccer tournament. The social soccer 5s’ mixed competition is on Thursday, October 27, at ABD Stadium, John Ilhan Memorial Reserve, Barry Road, Broadmeadows, from 5.30pm. Matches kick off at 6pm to be followed by dinner and networking. Registration essential by Sunday, October 23.
How to create a summer vegie patch
Visit Tullamarine library, 58 Spring Street, on Saturday, October 8, 10.15am-noon, to learn the tips and tricks to creating a sensational summer vegetable patch.
Learn to waste not, want not
Join blogger Erin Rhoads, ‘The Rogue Ginger’, to learn how to rethink, reuse and recycle to achieve zero waste living. She will be at The Age library, 1093 Pascoe Vale Road, Broadmeadows, on Thursday, October 13, from 6.15-7.45pm. BYO jar.
Headspace film screening
A short virtual tour of Headspace Craigieburn will screen at United Cinemas, Craigieburn, on Thursday, October 13, 6.30pm, to raise money for the youth mental health service. The film, developed by a Headspace youth advisory group, tells of three fictional young people who come to seek help. It will be followed by a screening of the movie The Secret Life of Pets. Tickets start at $13.
Bright, busy minds at work
Marymede Catholic College students will put their problem solving skills to the test when they take part in the Australasian Pacific finals of the Tournament of Minds on the Gold Coast later this month.
The team, comprising year 10 students Laura and Rick, year 9 students Daniel and Adam and year 7’s Nicholas, Claudia and Jarnai, won through to the final after finishing first in the engineering and mathematics senior division at the northern metropolitan regional competition and the state finals