Abbie raises a cup for kids


A South Morang youngster has invited her friends and neighbours to pull up chairs at her Cuppa for Kids event next month.

Abbie Thomas, 10, hopes to help save the lives of critically ill newborns by hosting a free tea party for the Royal Children’s Hospital on March 6.

Abbie, who once received life-saving care at the hospital’s Newborn Intensive Care Unit, has hosted four Cuppa for Kids afternoon teas in as many years. Her mum, Alice, says Abbie has a generous nature.

“Abbie would give her last dollar if she knew there was someone out there that needed it more than she did,” Mrs Thomas said. “She hosted her first Cuppa for Kids when she was just six years old. It’s just a really nice event where the kids can come and have something to eat and have a good play around.”

Abbie was born with a hole in her diaphragm, which meant her organs were wrongly positioned. She was flown from Shepparton, where she was born, to the Royal Children’s Hospital where she underwent surgery and stayed in the newborn unit for 19 days.

The event will include an auction of goods and services donated by local businesses, a music performance by singer Alex Rose, face- painting and balloon creations.

The tea party will start at 1pm on March 6 at Briar Hill Community Hall, Mountain View Road. Details: