Portable kindergarten to cater for Wollert boom

There were just 57 houses in Wollert four years ago. By 2026, forecasters predict, there will be a staggering 5057 dwellings, with a population jump to match – from almost 150 residents to 32,000.

To meet the suburb’s population boom, Whittlesea council has sent out a new portable kindergarten – literally on the back of a truck – and set it up at Champions Parade.

The service will be run by the Children’s Protection Society and is the first council-owned kinder in the suburb.

The temporary structure, which has three kindergarten rooms, a consulting room and a planning room for allied services, will serve Wollert’s youngest residents before a permanent structure is built.

Whittlesea mayor Ricky Kirkham said the combined population of Epping North and Wollert was expected to surge by 310 per cent in the next 11 years, accounting for about a quarter of the municipality’s population by then.

“Demand for kindergartens in this suburb far outstrips supply so it’s great for Wollert families to have this centre open at the start of term one next year,” Cr Kirkham said.

“Champions Parade will also host early intervention services for children with disabilities.”

The centre will offer 260 three- and four-year old kindergarten places, supported playgroups and early-years professionals.

More details: 9450 0971 or enrolments@cps.org.au