Wollert, Mernda fires threatened homes in the north

UPDATE: Firefighters brought a fire that was moving towards homes in Wollert under control.

Residents in Wilkes Court and Masons Road in Wollert, near Epping, had been warned that an out-of-control grass fire was approaching their houses and were advised that the safest option was to leave the area. The 10-hectare fire was slowly moving north.

The Country Fire Authority downgraded the warning at 6pm last night, saying the blaze was under control.

“Fire crews are still in the area and smoke may still be visible,” the CFA said.

Another fire in nearby Mernda was brought under control about 4.30pm after water-bombing helicopters and 28 fire trucks were used to slow its spread.

The 50-hectare grass fire had moved north-east and residents and firefighters in Sackville Road were on high-alert.

A fire investigator is on the scene of the Mernda blaze, the cause of which is not known.

A third fire, in Epping, burned in Harvest Home Road.

PICTURES: Got pictures of the fires? Send them to us here.

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