Tell ’em what you think, Whittlesea council urges

Gridlocked roads and the lack of connector rail and bus services are the top issue for people in Melbourne’s fastest-growing
urban-fringe municipality.

Now Whittlesea council is urging residents to go online and tell the state government how they feel about their transport problems.

The State of Transport people’s survey is being run by the Metropolitan Transport Forum and results will be presented to the major political parties early next year in the build-up to November’s state election.

Council’s advocacy and communications director, Griff Davis (pictured), said resolving transport issues was the highest priority for residents of the area who, he said, were angry at traffic queues “day in and day out”.

“I just wish the pollies would live the life people in the outer suburbs live,” he said.

The transport survey can be completed at website

Receipt of submissions closes Friday.