Book: Pizza


By Pete Evans

Murdoch Books, RRP $39.99

Not another cookbook from a celebrity chef pushing his chiselled jaw alongside glossy recipes, I hear you plead. Not quite.

Yes, Pete Evans is a celebrity chef, but his latest cookbook Pizza is by far the best of the six he’s penned.

The recipes are easy to follow and the passion that Evans clearly has for pizza leaps from each page using excellent design and photography (which often looks so good you want to eat the pages).

None of the recipes are too exhausting, either. It’s simply a matter of having the ingredients on hand and the time to allow the dough to proof and rise.

The toppings aren’t formulaic but they also aren’t so adventurous as to scare a nervous cook. Some recipes are pulled from the likes of Guy Grossi, who reveals a killer pork meatball pizza.

I love this book, I just can’t say my waistline does.