Time up for Plenty Gorge pests as Sporting Shooters embrace cull order 

More than 200 foxes have been shot in Plenty Gorge Park and now authorities have rabbits in their sights. The feral rabbits damage the habitat of threatened native animals such as the growling grass frog, the fat-tailed dunnart and brush-tailed phascogale, while foxes kill native fauna. 

Parks Victoria has launched a rabbit eradication program in Plenty Gorge as part of the state government’s $430,000 urban rabbit control initiative, according to Northern Metropolitan Region MLC Craig Ondarchie. 

“At Plenty Gorge Park, an integrated approach including baiting, removal of rabbit warrens and follow-up population monitoring and maintenance is expected to reduce numbers significantly,” Mr Ondarchie says.

Parks Victoria has worked with the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia to kill foxes since 2009. Parks Victoria ranger Mick Francis teams up regularly with local shooting association member Abe Andrews (both pictured) to help eradicate pests from the area.