Craigieburn Hockey Club ready to sign players

Hume hockey enthusiasts will finally get a guernsey, with a new club ready to sign players in Craigieburn.

A meeting next Monday at Highgate Reserve will call for new players and club members.

Organisers will outline progress on plans for Hume’s long-awaited hockey centre and Newbury Park redevelopment.

The hockey centre is a key plank of the council’s 2013-18 leisure strategy, coming after Hockey Victoria pushed for a stronger presence in Melbourne’s growth corridors.

Hockey Victoria worked with the council, developer Stockland and local residents in re-planning Newbury Park.

The plan, released late last year, features a two-pitch hockey centre, multi-sports pavilion, pathways, play space and extensive landscaping.

Development of the reserve will take place in three stages and the new facilities will be a centrepiece of the fast-growing Highlands estate.

Stage one, starting this year, includes landscaping of Newbury Park and constructing pitch one and a car park.

Stages two and three will involve construction of the pavilion and the second hockey pitch.

Hume mayor Casey Nunn said the Craigieburn centre would be the first dedicated hockey facility in the municipality.

“Hume’s diverse and growing population is driving the need for a greater range of leisure opportunities and developments,” she said.

Cr Nunn said anyone wanting to play a part in forming a Craigieburn hockey club was welcome to attend the community meeting.

She said the council, in partnership with Hockey Victoria, was running development clinics in schools and at Highgate Recreation Reserve to introduce the sport to the community and build foundations for the new club.

“Regular physical activity not only has plenty of health and well-being benefits but is also an opportunity to meet new people and get involved in community life,” Cr Nunn said.

A memorandum of understanding for the Hume Hockey Centre and Newbury Park will be signed by the council, Hockey Victoria, Lacrosse Victoria and Stockland this Thursday.

Next Monday’s meeting is at Highgate Recreation Reserve, 229 Grand Boulevard, Craigieburn, at 7.30pm.

For more details about the hockey centre, visit