Pink lady from Sunbury heads to the MCG

Breast cancer survivor Andrea Casey will join a pink army at the MCG this weekend for the Breast Cancer Network’s Field of Women campaign.

The army of up to 15,000 people, all in pink ponchos and standing together in the shape of the network’s iconic pink lady, will represent the number of Australians who will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year.

Ms Casey, of Sunbury, who has a family history of breast cancer, said she hoped to send a strong message to other women and help raise awareness.

“Awareness is incredibly important,” she said. “I think about my daughter and other young women and how it can affect their lives.

“Aside from awareness, it sends a message of support for anyone who is going through it or has been through it; even once you’ve got the all-clear you still need support.”

Since being diagnosed in 2012, Ms Casey has been raising money for the network and sharing her story with others.

“It’s important, because we need to raise funds so we can find cures and better treatments.”

Ms Casey, who continued to study during her treatment, said her diagnosis in some ways changed her life for the better.

The campaign event is on Saturday, May 10, at the MCG before the Melbourne v Western Bulldogs night game.

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