Teen driver arrested over drugs, cash after random police stop

A large stash of drugs and cash has been uncovered during two random police traffic stops in Preston, and a Thomastown resident is being questioned over one case.

A teenage driver had caught the eye of police officers on patrol in Preston while he drove along a residential street just after midnight on Thursday.

Police say dozens of bags filled with LSD, GHB, cannabis, ice, ecstasy and other amphetamines were found when the car was pulled over and searched on Eric Street just after midnight on Thursday.

Police officers also found $1800 in cash hidden in the vehicle.

The driver, an 18-year-old from Darwin, has been arrested and his car has been seized.

Another driver had been flashing high beams on the same street during the police search, prompting officers to search that car too.

More than 100 ecstasy tablets, heroin, ice and a balaclava were allegedly found in the second vehicle.

A 38-year-old man from Thomastown has been questioned over the drug haul.

No charges have been laid at this time.