Epping: Josie Minniti’s ‘fun’ backs up a key hospital function

When Josie Minniti decided to start her group for fun (and fund-raising) 15 years ago, she wasn’t overly creative with its name.

“I didn’t know what to call it,” the Epping grandmother says. “So, we said, ‘Let it be called Josie Minniti’s Fun Group’.”

Mrs Minniti might have given it a bit more thought if she had anticipated the group’s longevity – and its success.

Started with her husband, Rino, after 12 close family members and friends died in the same year, the group has so far raised $450,000 towards oncology services and cancer treatment care, most notably at the Austin Hospital and Northern Health.

Mrs Minniti said cancer had been prevalent in her family and still made its presence felt.

“My husband and brother-in-law underwent therapy for bowel cancer two years ago.”

But that hasn’t slowed down the husband and wife duo. The Minnitis juggle a full-time workload while organising charity functions every four to six weeks.

“We can see the benefits of the equipment we donate and that makes it worthwhile,” says Mrs Minniti, who has started supporting the Austin Hospital. That’s because her parents were well looked after there, as were her children who underwent a number of operations. “A few years ago, the mayor of Whittlesea called me and asked me to do something for the local community; since then, I have raised $170,000 for The Northern Hospital,” she said.

“When I started, my only dream was to donate one room. I’ve been blessed and was able to refurbish two rooms to make cancer patients more comfortable.”

The Josie Minniti Fun Group is this year raising funds for liver and lymphoma cancer research. Mrs Minniti says she would like to raise $24,000 to share between the Austin and Northern Health.

Information and donations: 0409 400 855.