Roxburgh Park Primary School pupils join the cause to help Peter Mac

Roxburgh Park Primary School pupils took the concept of ‘lollypop people’ to new heights last week.

About 300 pupils invaded their local shopping centre to pledge support for the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre last Tuesday.

The students decorated lollypop signs with personal pledges, which the shopping centre will display during September.

The centre partnered with Peter Mac in July to extend awareness about cancer and the supports available.

Kim Boon, mother of four Roxburgh Park pupils and a former oncology nurse, said it was important young people grew up learning about others and cared about the people in their communities.

School principal Richard Maguire said health education and awareness of others was learned both in and beyond the classroom.

Cancer Council research has found one in two Australian men and one in three women will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85.

A Roxburgh Park Shopping Centre team is hoping to take part in the Ride to Conquer Cancer fund-raiser on October 25.