Mernda’s Carome Estate: Have your say over its future

A government body charged with restoring heritage properties on Crown land is calling on the community to help map out the future for Mernda’s Carome Estate.

With input from Whittlesea council, The Mint Inc – a six-member committee appointed by the state government to restore heritage properties for commercial and community use – has begun developing a Carome Homestead master plan.

Through community surveys and ‘drop-in’ sessions last week, some of the ideas to surface included providing bike paths, walking tracks, improved access to the river and a farmers’ market.

After acquiring the 1842-built homestead, The Mint Inc connected power, water and gas, reinstated the gardens, repaired fencing, restored the plaster walls inside the homestead and installed a kitchen and public facilities.

It was opened to the public three years ago.

Former Riverdale Estate couple Hayley and Geo Tapia lease the homestead and run their café-cum-restaurant Two Beans and a Farm.

The Mint Inc has established community gardens in one corner of the property, and Ms Tapia says the community gardeners were an enthusiastic group who hoped the master plan would feature expanded gardens.

“There’s so much land crying out to be used,” she says. “Customers have also mentioned they’d like to see an animal farm or childrens farm.”

Project manager Ross Turnbull said The Mint Inc hoped to have the master plan completed by mid-2015.

To share your thoughts, go online and complete the Carome Homestead survey at