Willmott Park Primary School pupils are driven to succeed

Science fiction often depicts a futuristic utopia with hovercraft and robots, but it was the cartoon series The Flintstones that, ironically, portrayed the way of the future – on foot and in human-powered vehicles.

Grade 5 and 6 pupils at Willmott Park Primary School are learning all about fitness and fossil fuels in preparation for the Maryborough Technology Challenge in November.

Two vehicles and 26 pupils – 16 drivers and 10 pit crews – are preparing for the 14-hour race, which will test teams’ endurance and fitness.

Willmott Park human (pedal)-powered vehicle co-ordinator Michael Hennessy said a “select group” of pupils were chosen based on their knowledge of fitness and outstanding behaviour.

“It’s a very popular program,” Mr Hennessy said. “110 students try out but, unfortunately, we can’t take them all. Students are selected based on fitness tests, including beep tests and bike rides.”

In taking on the challenge, pupils learn about mechanics, aerodynamics, health and fitness, greenhouse gases, and how to work in teams.

Willmott Park is the only school in Hume to offer the program, and Mr Hennessy wants to see more schools involved.

“During the program, there’s a set expectation of behaviour and a lot of students change their behaviour to be part of the program,” he said. “The students become self-driven; it’s very positive.”