New social housing at Banksia Gardens


New social and affordable housing will be built at Broadmeadows’ Banksia Gardens estate, while pre-existing homes will be renovated and modernised under a state government plan to tackle housing affordability.

Housing Minister Harriet Shing said 120 homes will be built at Banksia Gardens as part of the construction of 800 social and affordable housing properties.

The government said the new properties will be delivered in 2026, in partnership with the state government.

New social and affordable housing will also be built in Hampton East and Port Melbourne.

“These projects across Melbourne will deliver hundreds of beautiful, modern, well-designed new homes for families to call their own,” Ms Shing said.

The government has also launched the Homes First program, which aims to help Hume residents out of homelessness and into their own home.

The program will be delivered by agencies, including Melbourne City Mission, Sacred Heart Mission, Quantum Support Services, Junction Support Services and CatholicCare Victoria, in eight areas across Victoria, including Hume, where there is a need for more support services for people experiencing homelessness or at risk of sleeping rough.

As well as accommodation, those in the program will receive intensive support to ensure they are getting the responsive, flexible wrap-around support that they need to thrive, which may include mental health, drug and alcohol, financial counselling and family violence support for those who need it, the government said.

“Finding people a safe and secure place to call home is one part of breaking the cycle of homelessness, the other is making sure they have the wraparound supports they need to thrive,” Ms Shing said.

“Homes First is evidence-based and will provide practical, on-the-ground support to hundreds of Victorians right across the state. This is an opportunity to break the cycle of homelessness – because we know that having secure, stable housing with wraparound supports leads to better outcomes across the board.”